Tuesday, November 30, 2010

New SMOERs Video and Women are Superior Essay Preview

And Then Some Publishing News

We've been talking about the SMOERs book and now the video interview is here! Watch the video and find the book at SMOERs.com.

Author Richard L. Weaver II talks about his book of quotations, "SMOERs: Self-Motivation, Optimism, Encouragement, Rules".  Discover this tasty treat of quotations based from his delicious book. From the famous, the infamous, and quotes you have never heard before. Listen as Dr. Weaver shares quotes from the book and answers questions about the inspiration for his books, the setup, plus the reasoning behind the concept. Think of the delicious S'Mores... just spelled funny: S M O E R s

Watch the video and find the book at SMOERs.com

Thursday's And Then Some Essay preview:

Thursday’s essay is called, "Women have superior leadership traits."  Although I cannot make the complete case that Dee Dee Myers makes in her book, Why women should rule the world (HarperCollins, 2008), and although her conclusion resides in the title of her book, in this essay I am interested in the research that supports her conclusion.   

Women have superior leadership traits

by Richard L. Weaver II


Whether liked or not, stereotypical males are “aggressive, ambitious, assertive, forceful, [and] self-confident” whereas stereotypical females are “helpful, kind, friendly, sympathetic, and affectionate” (p. 149).  Perhaps the key now is to redefine leadership and redefine power.  In the information age in which we are living, fortunately, that is already happening. 

And Then Some Works!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

S'Mores and Celebrating Daily Life Preview

And Then Some Publishing News

How do you turn a unsavory situation and make it tasty again? Sometimes you have to throw it all away and start again. That is not the situation we are in. Richard L. Weaver II and Anthony Weaver filmed numerous videos on Tuesday, November 16, 2010 and they turned out fantastic! We were hoping to release the first video today, however due to technical difficulties the first release has been delayed. 

The first video we are releasing is all about S'Mores... wait... no SMOERs. What is SMOERs? It's a tasty book quotes compiled by Richard L. Weaver II. In the video he explains the inspiration for the book... and then some!

We will continue to try and figure out what the problem is and will let you know when the video is available in the next couple of days.

Thursday's And Then Some Essay preview:

Thursday’s essay is called, "Celebrating daily life."  Most often when we think of celebrating, it is just at those special times (e.g., birthdays, Christmas, New Years, athletic victories, Thanksgiving, Fourth of July, etc.), and we seldom believe (or think) about celebrating on a daily basis.  What do most of us have to be thankful for?  A brief list may stimulate your thoughts: parents, family, children, health, abundance of resources, liberty and freedom, friends and neighbors, independence, self-sufficiency, and life itself, to name a few.

Celebrating daily life

by Richard L. Weaver II


And I want to close this essay on celebrating daily life with my own quotation: The beauty of celebrating everyday life is the joy of having a carnival of the spirit, a festival for our frame of mind, and a tribute to our way of thinking that boosts our morale and provides an ongoing force that drives our daily espirit de corps.  Celebrating our daily life may not seem that important; however, it gives each of us a chance to show our appreciation for those things that really matter to us, and daily celebrations remind us of how fortunate, privileged, or simply lucky we are.
And Then Some Works!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

And Then Some Book 1 and Taking Healthy Risks Preview

And Then Some Publishing News

Anthony Weaver and Richard L. Weaver II will be shooting new videos this week. Dr. Weaver has authored many books about relationships, motivation, and optimism. Relationship Rules, SMOERs, You Rules, and And Then Some Publishing's first book And Then Some Book 1 all have have something in common. They all need videos to help explain more about each book.

Specifically, And Then Some Book 1 is hard to explain. To start it was their first book. Anthony and Richard L. Weaver II (Dick) didn't know if they were going to be able to produce another one. There were many complications from technology, building the first website, beginning blogs, and then some! From the book conception to the finished product the book took two years to complete. 

When you take the complications into consideration and the wonderment if another book would be produced, everything and the kitchen sink was put into And Then Some Book 1. Containing 50 essays with subjects that include family, humor, education, travel, and more, this book reads sometimes as advice, a little bit of education and learning from personal life experiences, or as a short story about Dick's travels... and then some! 

And Then Some Book 1 covers a wide gambit of essays and is a fun read... and now Anthony and Dick will be shooting a video to better explain this book.

We hope to start releasing the first videos from this shoot by next weeks news, however we're not sure which videos will be released first.

Thursday's And Then Some Essay preview:
Thursday’s essay is called, "Take healthy risks for positive rewards."  You have to learn how to take healthy risks. The important thing to remember when it comes to taking risks is that you live life only once.  Life is too short to be wasted on things you don't want to do or on things that you have done over and over.  That’s how comfort zones develop.   

Take healthy risks for positive rewards

by Richard L. Weaver II


There were several important learnings that emerged from my run for student-council president.  First, and this is supported by research, I never regretted the effort.  A report in the journal Psychological Science reveals that whether you miss achieving a goal by a little or a lot, you won’t lament going after it nearly as much as you think you will.  The failures from risk-taking behavior, for the most part, don’t last long with respect to regret, sorrow, sadness, disappointment, or residual unhappiness.

And Then Some Works

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Blind Spots in Relationships that Rule!

And Then Some Publishing News

Have you seen all the books, videos, and blogs from And Then Some Publishing? An easy place to get started is the black and yellow links at the top of this page. We don't want you to get lost so every link opens in a new tab/window. Get more information about World War II, baby books, public speaking, relationships, great art... And Then Some!

Coinciding with this week's essay about relationships, author Richard L. Weaver II offers a book to help you in your relationship. Once you understand the "rules" of relationships you will be able to create a long lasting bonds built for long-term happiness, security, and commitment. There are numerous suggestions, steps, and additional ideas that will motivate, encourage, and challenge relationship partners. Relationship Rules is available at Amazon.com.

Thursday's And Then Some Essay preview:

Thursday’s essay is called, "Blind spots in early dating often jeopardize the ability to make proper decisions."  Just as I had completed my essay on “Judging Others,” and how important it is to be aware of our limitations, I read an article by Kaja Perina (the editor of the magazine) in Psychology Today (January/February, 2007) entitled “Love’s Loopy Logic,” which explained the reasons why our ability to judge others is so limited — a situation in which Perina explains, “it sometimes pays to deceive ourselves.”  I found it to be such a perfect example of what I wrote in my essay last week, that I felt an obligation/responsibility to share it with readers.

Blind spots in early dating often jeopardize the ability to make proper decisions

by Richard L. Weaver II


You [the reader] will best profit from [at the very least, identify with] the observations in this essay if you can transport yourself back to the time when you were trolling for the wit, kindness, curiosity, intelligence, and “chemistry” that would allow you to make the proper decision regarding a future mate.  It is often within the parameters of such a quest that an explanation for the limitations of our observations and judgments can best be understood.  Perina casts both her observations and descriptions within the broad rubric of “mating intelligence,” which, she explains, is as oxymoronic as the term suggests.  The key sentences in Perina’s article are, “We’ve all got blind spots about the opposite sex.  And sometimes that’s for the best.”

And Then Some Works!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

S'Mores and Essay Preview | In judging others, we need to be aware of our limitations

And Then Some Publishing News

Do you need some motivation, encouragement, and/or inspiration? Sometimes an inspiring quote is just the ticket. Our words of wisdom blog, SMOERs, has tons of quotes and we guarantee you will find a quote that will spark your inner being. 

The SMOERS quotes on our blog are derived from the compilation quotes in our book of the same name. SMOERs is based on the delicious snack S'Mores... just spelled funny. The quotes are based upon the title, Self-Motivation, Optimism, Encouragement Rules. The book is broken into 365 days with an average of 4 quotes a day. Pick any day and read some great quotes!

Visit our SMOERs blog or go to SMOERs.com and get a taste of our book with 30-days of quotes.

Thursday's And Then Some Essay preview:

Thursday’s essay is called, "In judging others, we need to be aware of our limitations."  You cannot make accurate predictions about how even top-rated individuals might behave in specific circumstances---even though you have judged their character positively in other instances. The point is simply that it is not easy to assess the character of a person. 

In judging others, we need to be aware of our limitations

by Richard L. Weaver II


In most cases in life, we decide who we like or dislike for no good reason.  It is truly an unfair decision based on little or no evidence.  But, if we waited until we knew everything about someone before we made up our mind, we would spend much of our time with no commitments to anyone—in relationship limbo.  Not only do we not have access to the kind of information we need to make up our minds, but even when we think we have gathered sufficient evidence to confirm a decision, the person behaves in such a way as to counter our judgment—totally repudiating not just our evidence but our ability to root out the essential information we need.

And Then Some Works!