Thursday's Essay Preview
I read and reviewed Sharon Begley’s book, Train Your Mind, Change Your Brain (Ballantine Books, 2007). I gave it an outstanding review ---- five stars out of five. Then I read and reviewed Shawn Achor’s book, The Happiness Advantage: The Seven Principles of Positive Psychology That Fuel Success and Performance at Work. (Crown Business, 2010). I gave it an outstanding review — five stars out of five. What these two books have in common — and I’m sure there will be many more that discuss the topic — is neuroplasticity — the basis of and foundation for neurogenesis (brain growth).
Thursday's Essay Excerpt
I know that you’ve heard it all before; however, there is a better context now (neuroplasticity) that should renew the spirit, regenerate the willpower, and reinvigorate the body. And, in all of this renewal, regeneration, and reinvigoration, you will automatically be renovating, redeveloping, and rebuilding something even more important than your spirit, willpower, or body, you will be revitalizing your brain. Now, that’s a powerful incentive!
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