And Then Some Publishing News
How to achieve and support relationship rules is what the book, Relationship Rules: For Long-Term Happiness, Security, and Commitment, is all about. There are numerous suggestions, steps, and additional ideas that will motivate, encourage, and challenge relationship partners. Relationship Rules is available at
The books Richard L. Weaver II enjoys reading offer a look at the truth. One of the reviewers of Willis's book said, “While some veterans would be content to simply remember through a haze essayof rose-colored reflections, Dr. Willis clearly reports the truth as he knows it.” Civilian In an Ill-Fitting Uniform: A Memoir of World War II, by Edgar E. Willis
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Thursday's And Then Some Essay preview:
Thursday’s essay is called, “The pursuit of happiness.” If you are an unhappy person, or if you are generally happy but have long stretches of unhappiness, the suggestions in this essay (not all of them my own!), will help you. Notice that in the excerpt from the essay that follows, happiness is a choice, and you can make the choice to be happy if you want to.
The pursuit of happiness
by Richard L. Weaver II
The pursuit of happiness
by Richard L. Weaver II
When you enter “how to achieve happiness?” (without the quotation marks) in the Google search window, you will get over 500,000 websites with suggestions that range from meditation to books on happiness, from serving others to living honorable and true, from pursuing Truth to developing compassion. The point isn’t the number of websites nor the specific suggestions, the point is that wherever you are in life, whatever your circumstances, numerous suggestions and a great deal of advice is available at the click of your mouse. To say, “I just don’t know how to be happy,” is a comment that reeks of naivete. Nobody is going to hand you happiness, and nobody can make you happy. It is an internal process over which you have complete control. All you have to do now is make yourself happy!
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