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How to achieve and support relationship rules is what the book, Relationship Rules: For Long-Term Happiness, Security, and Commitment, is all about. There are numerous suggestions, steps, and additional ideas that will motivate, encourage, and challenge relationship partners.
The books Richard L. Weaver II enjoys reading offer a look at the truth. One of the reviewers of Willis's book said, “While some veterans would be content to simply remember through a haze essayof rose-colored reflections, Dr. Willis clearly reports the truth as he knows it.” Civilian In an Ill-Fitting Uniform: A Memoir of World War II, by Edgar E. Willis
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Thursday's And Then Some Essay preview:
Thursday’s essay is called, “Looking back over my life, these have been my 'eureka' moments.” I'm simply taking a moment (a slight recess) to review some of the events that changed my life forever.
Looking back over my life, these have been my 'eureka' moments
by Richard L. Weaver II
Being a writer I have spent many hours looking back over my life. It hasn’t been a question of what I would do differently as much as a situation of analyzing and writing about what took place. It is more about establishing historical markers than about mentally reconstructing the past— although, I admit, I do a little of both. In this essay I want to highlight those events in my life that did not just happen but that changed the way I did things. They are my “eureka” moments.
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