Tuesday, November 15, 2011

And Then Some News

Thursday's Essay Preview

The first paragraph of the essay, "How long should you hold a grudge?," reads as follows: "Asked how long he holds a grudge, one fellow replied, 'Until hell freezes over.'  Another said, it depends on two things: 1) the intent, and 2) the gravity of the situation.  Yet another person said, 'If the person is an idiot, I simply consider the source and dismiss both the person and the comment or situation.'  And the final person asked, said, 'I turn the other cheek.'”

                                                                                                                                                                Thursday's Essay Excerpt - from the last paragraph of the essay

"Now, all this information comes a little late for my father-in-law mentioned in the opening examples.  There is no doubt he will take his grudges to the grave.  But, that makes me wonder.  He is 97-years-old!  Perhaps holding grudges is the key to longevity."           

And Then Some News

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