Monday, September 27, 2010

New website unveils on Friday

And Then Some Publishing News

The new will debut this Friday, October 1, 2010. Check out the new website on Friday... it rocks! (At least we think so.)

Great book reviews every Monday:
Book Club... And Then Some!

Thursday's And Then Some Essay preview:

Thursday’s essay is called, "The lessons of college translate well into life." What are the lessons students learn from their college life?  So many students today doubt the value of college because they don’t believe, first, that it has any practical value.  Will it prepare me for a job?  Second, time spent in college is time wasted when it comes to earning money, as far as they’re concerned.  And the more time that it takes, the more money lost.  Third, it is a lot of work, and they feel they have just put in a lot of work finishing high school, and they just can’t see putting up with a whole lot more of that “crap.” 

The lessons of college translate well into life

by Richard L. Weaver II


Students need to understand that if the point of life is to not just to run the race but to succeed, college helps teach them that what they sacrifice today, they will gain tomorrow.  I know that for me college reinforced the importance of hard work, strengthened my ability to work as part of a team, underscored the value of playing by the rules, buttressed the role that rewards played in my life, encouraged my change in direction because of a teacher’s influence, and, in addition, deepened, enriched, and improved my ability to live beyond the college walls.

And Then Some Works!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

And Then Some News

And Then Some News

Well once again I find we have had a slow week with no major news to report.  Rest assured that the news will be coming soon.  Richard has been traveling having more adventures that I am sure he will be writing about.  I can hardly wait to see what he brings back for us. 

For now, here is a little preview of Thursday's And Then Some Essay.   Enjoy and we will be seeing you next week!

Thursday's And Then Some Essay preview:

Thursday’s essay is called, "Essay anniversary III: A writing career and then some." This is what this essay is all about, as I write about it in the essay itself:  "For this anniversary essay, I want to talk about more than simply what I have and haven’t learned from writing essays or the contentment and joy that has resulted from writing them.  I have mentioned both of these in the previous two anniversary essays.   Rather, I want to take a brief moment here to take stock.  At the risk of sounding totally self-absorbed, self-indulgent, and self-important, I simply ask readers of my essays to allow my self-obsession in this single essay.  This is my 'taking stock' opportunity, and despite the egotism it reflects (those who know me well would never suspect the least bit of egotism! —I need a smiley emoticon here!), I will proceed unabated."

Essay anniversary III: A writing career and then some"

by Richard L. Weaver II


If I had difficulty accepting the fact that I survived writing one essay a week for a year, then two years, it comes as a major shock to me to accept the fact that I have now been doing it for three years.  Remarkable, to say the least!  It is not just the fact that I have now published on the blog 156 essays (representing approximately 156,000 words!), but that it has taken place uninterrupted, that I had enough “unique” ideas to come up with that many essay topics, and that I have not only maintained interest in doing it but have had great fun as well.

And Then Some Works!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

And Then Some News

And Then Some News

Today's news is just a quick preview of things to come...   We'll see you next week.

Thursday's And Then Some Essay preview:

Thursday’s essay is called, "There is no way to capture the effect teachers can have on you." Although this is not an essay designed to offer a rebuttal to home schooling, a comment by my granddaughter about her desire to be home schooled prompted the essay, and in the essay I talk about some of my outstanding teachers.  I end the essay saying: "These are some of the teachers I had before I arrived at college.  I know my parents could have home schooled me if they had chosen to because both were teachers, but I would never trade the knowledge, background, and preparation of even these few teachers for what might have been a home-schooling experience.  It was from these teachers that my inspiration for learning began."

There is no way to capture the effect teachers can have on you

by Richard L. Weaver II


As individuals, teachers did not make impressions on me until I was in junior high school.  They were all good, it seemed to me, and all of them taught me, motivated me, and inspired me.  I can’t think of a single negative experience I had with teachers during the entire course of my educational career.  Perhaps it was luck, but I think teachers like good students, and I was definitely a good student.  It wasn’t because I wanted to be “good”; it was because I loved to learn.  Everything just seemed so new, intriguing, and fascinating.  I was captivated.

And Then Some Works!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Edgar E. Willis website changes and Romatic Notions

And Then Some Publishing News

And Then Publishing hopes everyone had a safe and happy Labor Day. 

This week we expect to see the new prototype for We are very excited to be working with Kinetica Media to help redesign the website. Their professionalism and knowledge has been instrumental in our growth. We expect amazing, and we know we won't be disappointed. 

This coming weekend Anthony Weaver is shooting a new set of videos. Are subject is toilet paper tubes and turning them into fun craft projects. The projects are a car, a spider attacking a city, and a peacock. The projects were picked by McKenzie, Lindsay, and Austen who are Anthony's nephew and neice's. We expect to release the videos a few weeks after they have been shot.

Thursday's And Then Some Essay preview:

Thursday’s essay is called, "Romantic notions help us maintain balance—a stable, steady footing—in our lives."  Romantic notions are pleasant, comforting, and adequately soothe our idyllic, picturesque, fairy-tale side.  They offer, too, more than just a reason for living; they are, indeed, a placid, warm, snug, and cozy place where our thoughts can reside in a calm and peaceful manner without agitation, distress, or upset.  We need romantic notions to maintain a balance—a stable, steady footing—in our lives---and, thus, they are worth discussing.

Romantic notions help us maintain balance--a stable, steady footing--in our lives

by Richard L. Weaver II


When we were in Australia for 6 months, our choices were limited, but we discovered that it doesn’t take long to become accustomed to it.  When we returned home, we even discussed the possibility of limiting what we needed to live comfortably, but it isn’t long until the supply catches up with what you want—not what you need, but what you want.  Soon, once again, you begin to appreciate all that you have and all the choices you have in order to have more!

And Then Some Works!