Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Essay Preview - Self-efficacy, self-discipline, and self-motivation: Like 3 peas in a pod

Thursday's And Then Some Essay preview:

From where does hard work, pressure to excel, push, and drive originate?  In the final analysis, it doesn’t come from friends, parents, siblings, or teachers, although all of these can lend some assistance.  Look at the three sets of words in the title of this essay, and you find one common denominator: self.  Hard work, pressure to excel, push, and drive all originate with your self.  If you yourself do not have the efficacy, discipline, and motivation to work hard, excel, push and drive yourself, then there is little (or no) hope that it will appear.

Self-efficacy, self-discipline, and self-motivation: Like 3 peas in a pod
by Richard L. Weaver II


Having self-efficacy, self-discipline, and self-motivation are essential to succeeding in life. Those who don’t possess these traits will find themselves left behind.  Developing these characteristics means that you believe that you can succeed even when others may say you cannot and continuing on even when you would really like to quit. Those who have these attributes will be more likely to complete tasks, try out new things, and not give up when things are hard.  Having self-efficacy, self-discipline, and self-motivated means that you have important internal goals that you want to reach and reasons for doing things.  It is like being motivated to fill your time with purpose and direction.  It is like being stimulated, invigorated, and inspired on a daily basis.  It is like having a reason for living rather than just occupying space.

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